"Christmas at the Holly Hotel" Film Screening

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Friday December 16

5:30 PM  –  9:00 PM

Join us for this special holiday event! Dinner and a movie benefitting the Holly Hotel Arcade and Streets of Old Detroit – rebuilding after fire at the Hotel and flood in the Streets.

Christmas at the Holly Hotel is a new film made on location at the Historic Holly Hotel in Holly, Michigan. 

A synopsis of the film: "When Kathy’s parents, the owners of Michigan’s Historic Holly Hotel, ask her to return for Christmas, her perfectly planned future becomes a little less clear. She reconnects with family, finds the career that she truly enjoys, and falls in love with a handsome and kind police officer."

In 1863, railroads transformed the city of Holly into a hub of travel and industry. What began as The Washington House soon evolved into The Holly Hotela restaurant, meeting house, and place of lodging. Read more about the history of the hotel here. The Holly Hotel was damaged by fire in June, 2022 . The Streets of Old Detroit is an original Detroit Historical Museum exhibit, built in 1951 and featuring storefronts salvaged from a commercial district that was lost when the Lodge Freeway was constructed. The Streets of Old Detroit were damaged by flood in June, 2021.

This festive evening will include:

- Strolling dinner with beer and wine in the Streets of Old Detroit exhibition

- Meet and greets with Detroit Historical Society historians, the owner of the Holly Hotel George Kutlenios, and film producer Joel Reisig

- Film screening

- Audience Q&A session 

Tickets for this unique experience are $125